Waltzing Mathilda


Tom Traubert’s Blues

Waltzing Mathilda - Tom Waits / Rod Stewart Version

Wasted and wounded, it ain't what the moon did, I've got what I paid for now
See you tomorrow, hey Frank, can I borrow a couple of bucks from you
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

I'm an innocent victim of a blinded alley [Sack-Gasse?]
And I'm tired of all these soldiers here
No one speaks English, and everything's broken, and my strength is soaking away [verflüssigt]
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

Now the dogs are barking and the taxi cab's parking
A lot they can do for me
I begged you to stab me [erstechen], you tore [zerreissen] my shirt open,
And I'm down on my knees tonight
Old Bushmill's I staggered [zum Schwanken bringen], you'd bury the dagger [Dolch]
In your silhouette window light   go
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

Now I lost my Saint Christopher [Kraft und Orientierung?] now that I've kissed her
And the one-armed bandit knows
And the maverick [Einzelgänger] Chinaman, with the cold-blooded sigh [Seufzer],
And the girls down by the strip-tease shows,    go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

No, I don't want your sympathy, the fugitives [Fahnenflüchtiger] say
That the streets aren't for dreaming now
And manslaughter dragnets [Totschlags-Fallen] and the ghosts that sell memories,
They want a piece of the action anyhow
Go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

And you can ask any sailor, and the keys from the jailor [Gefängniswärter],
And the old men in wheelchairs [Rollstühle] know
And Mathilda's the defendant [Angeklagte], she killed about a hundred,
And she follows wherever you may go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

And it's a battered [geprügelt] old suitcase to a hotel someplace [irgendwo],
And a wound that will never heal
No prima donna, the perfume is on an
Old shirt that is stained [befleckt] with blood and whiskey
And goodnight to the street sweepers [Straßenkehrer], the night watchmen flame keepers [die nächtlichen Feuerwachen]
And goodnight to Mathilda, too





Da ist offenbar jemand bzgl. seiner Mathilda am Arsch der Welt angelangt!

Meine Assoziation zu dieser enigmatischen Lyrik ist, daß dieser kaputte, völlig fertige Jemand einen Ausflug ins Rotlicht-Milieu macht und dabei über sein Unglück mit seiner Mathilda rumgrübelt. Sie ist sozusagen ständig bei ihm - in ihm anwesend.



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