Auschnitt von
‘Hymn to Science’
(by Mark Akenside, 1739)
Science! Thou [dein] fair [schön] effusive [überschwänglich] ray [Lichtstrahl]
From the great source [Bezugsquelle] of mental [geistig] Day,
Free, generous [gebefreudig], and refin’d [veredelt]!
Descend with all thy treasures fraught [befrachtet],
Illumine [aufhellen] each bewilder’d [verwirrt] thought,
And bless my lab’ring [labouring = abmühend] mind.
But first with thy resistless [unwiderstehlich] light,
Disperse [auflösen] those phantoms [Trugbilder] from my sight,
Those mimic [imitierend, parodierend] shades of thee:
The scholiast’s [Scholastiker] learning [Schulgelehrsamkeit], sophist’s [Haarspalter] cant [Jargon],
The visionary [schwärmerisch] bigot’s [Eiferer] rant [geschwollenes Reden],
The monk’s [Mönch] philosophy.
O! let thy powerful charms [Anmut, Zauber] impart [verleihen]
The patient [beharrlich] head, the candid [aufrichtig] heart,
Devoted [zugetan] to thy sway [Einfluß];
Which no weak [haltlos] passions [Leidenschaften] e’er [ever?] mislead,
Which still [nach wie vor] with dauntless [beherzt] steps proceed
Where Reason [Begründung] points the way.
Give me to learn [in Erfahrung bringen] such secret cause[Verursachung];
Let number’s, figure’s, motion’s laws [Gesetze der Zahlen, Figuren, Bewegung]
Reveal’d [offenbart] before me stand;
These to great Nature’s scenes [Schauplätze] apply [Anwendung finden],
And round the globe, and thro’ [through] the sky,
Disclose [enthüllen] her working hand.
Next [als Nächstes], to thy nobler [edel] search resign’d [hingegeben],
The busy, restless, human mind
Thro’ every maze [Irrgarten] pursue [Ziel verfolgend];
Detect Perception [Wahrnehmung] where it lies,
Catch the Ideas as they rise [hochsteigen],
And all their changes view [anschauen].
Say [sage, erkläre] from what simple springs began
The vast [unermeßlich] ambitious [anspruchsvoll] thoughts of man,
Which range [reichen] beyond control [Beherrschung],
Which seek Eternity to trace [aufspüren],
Dive thro’ [tauchen durch] th’ infinity of space,
And strain [sich anstrengen] to grasp The Whole.
[…] (S. 11 f.) Vollständiges Gedicht HIER